Wednesday 26 December 2012

Buying a Small House and its Benefits

       Buying a house is said to be a milestone moment of one’s lifetime. Everyone wants the house to be big, beautiful and blissful. The trend of desired house size is changing with the limitation of space and rising property prices. Bigger the better or smaller the best, the question of ideal house size seems to dazzle even the experts. In this article we would analyze the various situations under which the small house outweighs the bigger house. So, if you have a small family and thinking to buy a house, this article is for you.

Before looking at the benefits of buying a small house lets first check out, why people often like to buy a big house despite having a small family:

- Having big house is a status symbol and to impress others

- The property agent’s false explanation and forced convincing

- Mistaken thought that only a big house makes a dream home

- The wrong impression that a builder offers big house at a discount over small one due to lower cost

- Preconceptions that bigger is better

- Many buyers’ thinks that they have spare money so it’s better to buy a big house as it will provide space for living and also fulfill the purpose of investing.

We have discussed the reason for buying a big house; now let’s check the benefits of buying a small house so that we can come to an analytical conclusion.

Buying a Small House and its Benefits

- To Save Money

Obviously, the small house costs less than bigger one, so “to save money” is a genuine reason to buy a small house. It needs smaller amount of money to insure the house, less area means low energy requirement, so the electricity bill will be reduced and low maintenance costs.

- To Be Stress Free

Small house takes off the stress of paying huge EMI and also less financial pressure on your budgeting. The loan amount can be paid early and the buyer can keep his financial book to be debt free. One can invest the money thus saved into other avenues for a better return or use it for other important work.

- To Save Time

Less area means less time to clean and maintain the house. Small house makes everything seem to be kept in the easily accessible distance and hence it saves the time which otherwise required in the bigger house.

- Helps to curtail shopping bill

Quite often unimportant things are given space in the home due to useless purchasing, but small house curtails waste spending because the resident understands the space limitations and hence buys only necessary things whenever goes to a shopping.

- For Closer Family Tie up

It helps in developing a strong bond between the family members because everybody stays in a compact area and therefore it eliminates the communication gap between each other. The free interaction due to close living style helps in growing a happy feeling reducing the personal differences.

- Good Resale value

Small house has a very good market and the rate of such property also appreciates steadily. Due to low price involvement, the owner enjoys the choice of changing the house very frequently.

- Environment Friendly

Less area of construction means more space for the nature to grow, so a small house helps the environment and support the greenery.


Buying a house is a personal decision and it depends on numerous factors to finally select a house of one’s own choice. If the family consists of up to four members, then a small house can provide a cozy feeling, sense of security and self contentment to the buyer. Bigger the better is not always true, so buyers should start focusing on a smaller house to live a life of own choice and payback property loans easily.

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