2 Credit Card Tips You Can Use.
Do you want to know some credit card tips which you
can use in your life ? In all probability you must be holding a ICICI,
HDFC or SBI Credit Card and must be wondering how to use it effectively !
. Credit card is used by almost everyone now a days and utilizing a
credit card features is an art -I would say. It needs discipline,
attitude and the right mindset to be used. However I came across 2 very
good credit card tips,
which were discussed by few readers on the comments section and hence
this article bring forth those tips and tricks to you. These following
tips are really good, but only for those who want to really squeeze out
the benefit of their credit cards and not for someone who likes to keep
it simple. Let’s see those credit card tips:
Credit Card Tips 1 – Making short term Fixed Deposits
people know that by the end of the month, they will get a credit card
bill and they will have to pay a good amount of money towards it. Now
imagine this situation – You will most probably have a good amount of
money in your savings bank account which you know would be utilized
towards paying off the credit card bill and you make sure that the money
stays with your account. You don’t spend it or invest it anywhere
because it already has a purpose and it also improves your credit score and report
the simple tip here is, that just see how much is your average credit
card bill each month. It can be 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000 at times, but
if you know that generally the maximum you get is around 20,000. Then
instead of keeping that money in your bank account, you can just do a
short term fixed deposits in that start of your billing period, so that
instead of earning mere 4% in a saving bank account, it will earn some
7%. The idea is to create around 90 days of fixed deposit each month for
your average credit card bill amount. So what will happen that from 3rd
month, you will automatically get those FDs matured and you will have
the money ready. I said 90 days so that the interest rates you get are
better. I can see that my ICICI bank is giving 7% for 91 days deposit.
If your bank provides good return in 30 days, better make 30 days
Important : Do this only if your bank
provides the online facility of creating fixed deposits and you would
like to get better interest for your money in short term along with
eagerness to pay off your credit card debt in full every time. At time
this can look like over optimization, but its up to you. Now if you like
it, take it, else let it go.
Credit Card Tips 2 – Have two credit card with different billing cycle
can get the maximum credit of 55 days on a credit card if you make the
purchase in the start of the billing cycle and have a grace period of 25
more days (30 + 25 = 55). But you can not always make big purchases in
the start of the billing cycle to get maximum credit, a lot of people
make this mistake because they do not understand minimum balance in credit cards
. So in that case the tip is to have 2 credit cards with two different
billing cycles preferably having a gap of 15 days between them, you can
use one credit card for first 15 days of the month and another one in
the second half. So for example you can have credit card A which has
billing cycle from 1st Apr to 30th May and another credit card B whose
billing cycle is from 15th May to 14th June.
So this way you can
use the credit card A in the first half of the month and B in the second
half. Note that though this involves 2 cards and requires a little
tracking , but it will really help someone who uses the credit card a
lot and would like to get benefit of maximum credit period almost all
the time.
Those evil credit cards.