Tuesday 3 January 2012

Good ethics is also good business

In the first decade of the 21st century, many businesses learned firsthand the moral and financial risks of focusing exclusively on short-term financial gains. Consider the example of Lehman Brothers, which, after 158 years of successfully doing business, went bankrupt in the space of a single weekend. The causes: horrific mismanagement and a reckless disregard for moral hazard.

Good Ethics !!!
The results: the worst global recession in decades. The Lehman Brothers debacle is only one of a long and growing list of recent business-management scandals that now includes Arthur Andersen, Enron, Bernard Madoff and Parmalat.

In his latest book, ''Management Ethics: Placing Ethics at the Core of Good Management' (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), Domenec Mele seeks to shift our gaze from short-term gains at any cost to a deeper, longer view of management. Mele argues that good management should take ethics into account because management is about people, and dealing with people requires ethics. A business is not a machine. It is first and foremost a human construct.

Those who run the firm are free individuals who cooperate within an organisation with common goals, and the decisions and actions a manager takes have the potential to benefit or hurt other people. Thus ethics is not an artificial add-on to business, but an intrinsic aspect of good management.

Companies should, therefore, resist seeing people as resources or as simply a means for profit. Ethical management is about recognising what people are, treating them accordingly and fostering their development.
Ethics are embedded in management - first through decision making, second through the ideas that drive the practice of management and third through the moral character of the manager him or herself. Making and acting on ethical decisions help to humanise a business, generating trust, fostering loyalty, encouraging responsibility and helping to develop a strong moral culture.

Respect for human dignity is a principle Mele proposes, along with the necessity to contribute to the common good of the communities to which one belongs, and to society. He holds up three basic values, and their corresponding virtues, as critical to ethical management: justice, truthfulness and intelligent love. Justice renders to all what is rightfully theirs. Truthfulness refers to the observance of truth in speech and behaviour, and a disposition to search for the truth.

Intelligent love, understood as love driven by knowledge of the needs of the other , goes beyond justice and entails care and benevolence. Having an ethical sense pushes one to act in the best way for the purpose of efficiency. In turn, a company's efficiency contributes to the common good.

Business managers always face a trade-off between generating profits and being responsible to their firm's many stakeholders. Shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and the local community all have a stake in the success or failure, sustainability or loss of the firm. In a nutshell, while making a profit is necessary and important, it is not the sole purpose of business.

Moral competencies, including character and virtues, have a particular importance in leadership. Character shapes the leader's vision, goals, strategies and perception. As Peter Drucker said, "It is character through which leadership is exercised."

While ethics may not be a cure for all the ills affecting the economy, they are vital if we are one day to move beyond the current crisis to a sustainable recovery. As Mele contends, by helping managers choose the best possible alternative in each situation , ethics offer a sure path to better business practice and even to a better world.

Source : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/jobs/good-ethics-is-also-good-business/articleshow/11346507.cms


  1. Nice article about Ethics in corporate.If anyone wants to build a multi-billionaire enterprise he/she must follow ethical business practices.It is very easy to earn money through unethical practices but it is even more easy to lose it in a single day.One can deceive anyone only once & he will lose that investor/customer permanently.Words of mouth is the best way of advertisement & ethical business practice is the only way to achieve it!Ethical Business practice gives a long term return & gives loyal investors/customers to organisation.
    For an enterprise with Ethics,Tenacity & Corporate Governance "SUCCESS IS ETERNAL!"

    1. Ethics could be the most important factor in any kind of success.

  2. Thanks Shrikant & you have also shared very nice thoughts about ethics in the business.
